Retirement Articles2024-10-22T20:42:05+00:00

Do You Have A Retirement Plan We Can Help With?

In-Service Distributions

When can a participant receive a distribution from a retirement plan while still working? It depends. A plan may (but is not required to) allow participants to receive in-service distributions. In addition, certain conditions must be satisfied which are set

Mid-Year Changes to Safe Harbor 401(k) Plans

In January 2016, the IRS issued Notice 2016-16 providing long-awaited guidance on when changes can be made to safe harbor 401(k) plans mid-year. Previous IRS guidance (formal and informal) seemed to indicate there were only limited circumstances under which a

Fidelity Bond FAQs

What is a fidelity bond? A fidelity bond is a special type of insurance that protects plan participants from the risk of loss due to acts of fraud or dishonesty by plan officials. Is a fidelity bond required for my

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